First aid in the foothills – Gumlek, Nepal

Welcome to the jungle. The turn off from the dirt track led down onto a terrace carved from the hillside. The valleys of the central foothills of Nepal folded out in front of us until they reached the snow-covered peaks of the Himalaya in the distance. Our journey from Pokhara had taken about three hours… Continue reading First aid in the foothills – Gumlek, Nepal

The road to Tangting – Kaski, Nepal

Prakash stopped the jeep about halfway up the track. A little break in the journey. We climbed out onto the rocky, uneven road and took in the view. The steep-sided valley with the Madi river somewhere down below where the morning sun was long to reach. A chain of villages strung out above terraces on… Continue reading The road to Tangting – Kaski, Nepal